Do you need to re-apply for Medicaid every year?
Yes, you will need to re-apply for Medicaid every year. But don’t worry: Doing so is easy.
What is Medicaid
First, a reminder: Medicaid is a program jointly funded by the federal government and the states to provide health insurance plans to low-income Americans. Medicaid provides free or low-cost medical care and is overseen by the Department of Health and Human Services.
Your Medicaid eligibility is based on your income level. And adults, children, pregnant people, the elderly, and people with disabilities can all become Medicaid recipients. Right now in the U.S., Medicaid covers 25 percent of all children, 21 percent of low-income adults, and 60 percent of all nursing home residents.
If you are one of the 50 million Americans who would be without health care coverage if they did not have Medicaid, it’s very important that you remember to reapply for this coverage each year.
How to re-apply for Medicaid
But don’t worry—reapplying can be fast and easy. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act (ACA), you can now apply for Medicaid, CHIP (Children’s Health Insurance Program) and Marketplace health coverage all in one place. When you complete an application on the Health Insurance Marketplace, you will find out not only what Obamacare plans are available where you are and their premium rates, but whether you are eligible for Medicaid, too.
If you already have Medicaid and want to re-enroll, you will need to reapply to check your eligibility each year. You’ll need to have information about your income and household size on hand to do so. Different states have different eligibility requirements for Medicaid. And if you’ve had changes in your income or household, this might impact your eligibility.
When to re-apply for Medicaid
Don’t forget that you can apply for Medicaid and CHIP at any point in the year, and not just during Open Enrollment.
Ready to start the process of reapplying for your Medicaid coverage? Or looking to see if you might qualify for Medicaid coverage? Either way, HealthSherpa can help. You can start here to learn more about Medicaid, CHIP, and how to apply for these programs here. Also remember that you can always contact the HealthSherpa Consumer Advocate phone number at 855-772-2663. HealthSherpa is a certified partner of that can help you enroll in Medicaid, Medicare, and Marketplace health plans.
I need to speak to a human person about re apply for extra help
You can call us at 855.772.2663 with any health insurance questions.
How do I help my brother get foodstamps and Medicaid again…he was already once approved because he isn’t able to work..
Hello! You can apply here:
I need to reapply for Medicaid. I haven’t worked for a year .
You can apply here:
Please let me know what to do.Thanks
You can apply here:
My mother has medicaid from April 2020. Should she re-apply in March of 2021?
Yes, she should. She can re-apply here:
My mother who has dementia is in a nursing home in NJ. She qualified for medicaid last May. She also has Medicare and a supplemental plan that seem to pay for all her medical needs. The medicaid seems to just impact her housing in the nursing home. Do I need to reapply for medicaid each year so she can stay in the nursing home?
Yes, you need to reapply for Medicaid each year if she still needs it.
My mother started on Medicaid April of 2020 , she re applies this year but what if her checking account is more than $2000.00 , do the stimulus payments count as this is in her checking.
Stimulus payments do NOT count toward income in your Medicaid application or toward the asset limit.
We got a notice that our mother has to re-apply for Medicaid. She has only had the benefit since March 2021. Could you please explain why we got this notice?
You’d have to contact your Medicaid state office for an explanation. This does seem odd and it may be a mistake.
Hi, me and my wife, Medicaid has been approved since April 2021 and ending January 31,2022. I’ve been told needed to reapply every year, when do I reapply and how to do it. Thanks
you can apply here!
or you can reach out to your state office.
If my mother in law has not yet become eligible for Medicaid and receives a life insurance payment from the death of her husband, is that payout considered as part of her assets or is that exempt?
Thank you!
Yes, that is part of her assets.
If I applied and received Medicaid in August 2021, when do I have to reapply?
You reapply yearly
My renewal dat was end of Oct. 2021. Don’t renew again till Oct. 2022.
Just renewal from my Advacate whic I should not be getting till before my renewal. why?
I accidentally threw away my renewal letter and im sick and need a doctor but they want so much money out of pocket I cant afford. How do I re apply without my renewal letter? Please help everyday its harder to breathe i just want to give up
Call your state Medicaid office and they can renew you!
does payout of 401k count as income for medicaid health insurance
Yes, it counts as income.
I was approved for medicaid last year when we just moved to the state. I used it long enough until I got a job. Now I am laid off this month. In the website, I see a redetermination date for next month. My question is, do I click ‘Apply Now’ or ‘Report a Change’?
If you don’t currently have an active Marketplace (ACA/Obamacare) or Medicaid plan, then you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period for the 60 days after you lose your employer coverage. Go to and full out the application, and the application will direct you into a Medicaid application or a Marketplace application depending on your financial information.