There is a new Special Enrollment Period (SEP) that enables qualifying consumers to enroll into a Marketplace coverage for the remainder of the 2022 calendar year. To qualify, the total household...

Uninsured right now and don’t want to be? Then you’re likely wondering how much health insurance is going to cost you.

If you don’t have access to health insurance coverage through your employer, what do you do? Fortunately, many low-income Americans can access health coverage, and healthcare, through

The American Rescue Plan was recently signed into law. This is the largest expansion of the Affordable Care Act since it was signed in 2010, and the American Rescue plan expands subsidies...

The Biden-Harris administration

Interested in Obamacare, but afraid the premiums will be expensive? Here’s some great news. Obamacare, a common name for Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans available through the

A Health Savings Account (HSA) is a special kind of savings account for those who have a

A cafeteria plan is a certain kind of employee benefit plan where employers offer their employees a number of different pre-tax benefit options from which they may choose. This is sometimes also...

A major win of the Affordable Care Act was the inclusion of Essential Health Benefits (EHBs) in all ACA-compliant health insurance plans. Most broadly, Essential Health Benefits are a way to describe

Once a year, all eligible Americans get a chance to shop the Health Insurance Marketplace and get a Marketplace plan, also known as Obamacare or an Affordable Care Act plan. This time is known as the...