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How do I get health insurance after my COBRA ends?

Wondering how to get health insurance after your COBRA ends? Don’t feel overwhelmed.

When your COBRA health insurance runs out, you can be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period that will allow you to enroll in an Obamacare health plan.

Qualify for a Special Enrollment Period? Then you have 60 days from the end of your COBRA coverage to enroll in a plan from the Marketplace. Remember that only Affordable Care Act-compliant plans, offering the most consumer protections and cost savings, are sold on the Marketplace. Grab our free step-by-step guide to enrolling in Marketplace health insurance here to learn more.

You can contact the HealthSherpa Consumer Advocate Team at (872) 228-2549 to find out how to begin shopping the Marketplace during your Special Enrollment Period to ensure that there are no gaps in your health insurance coverage.

Or, you can easily shop health insurance plans, compare prices, and see what subsidies you’re eligible by clicking here. The health insurance Marketplace has both individual plans and coverage for your family. Enter your zip code below to see available plans in your area.

It’s important to know that you won’t be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period if your COBRA ends because you stop paying your premiums. However, you can still enroll during the annual Open Enrollment Period, which runs from November 1 to January 15. You can also see if you’re eligible for Medicaid or Medicare

COBRA stands for the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act. Put simply, COBRA insurance is typically offered when you have, and then lose, job-based health benefits through your employer. COBRA premiums can be quite expensive for consumers—you typically get to keep your previous insurance plan under your previous insurance company, but have to pay 100% of the premiums associated with it (including the part your employer used to pay for you) plus a small administrative fee. Learn more about COBRA health coverage in this guide to everything you need to know about COBRA.

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