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Can people with felony convictions get Obamacare?

Yes, people with felony convictions can get Affordable Care Act health insurance in the United States. And thanks to the Affordable Care Act, people with felony convictions are now eligible to apply for Medicaid health care upon release from prison. As prisoners receive medical care through the criminal justice system while detained, they don’t have health coverage while in prison. The vast majority of former inmates have limited assets upon release. And so they often have very limited access to health coverage. Once released, formerly incarcerated individuals have a 60-day Special Enrollment period during which they can enroll in a Marketplace plan. Learn more by grabbing our free step-by-step guide to enrolling in Marketplace health insurance here.

As a result of Medicaid expansion through the Affordable Care Act, states that have opted-in to expansion now offer Medicaid coverage for all low-income adults (non-elderly), not just the pregnant, disabled, or those with dependents, as was the case before Medicaid expansion. And this includes recently released prisoners, too. And for people with felony convictions who find themselves employed in jobs where they earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, they are still eligible to shop for Obamacare through the Marketplace. They’re also eligible for the cost-savings and subsidies the Affordable Care Act’s Marketplace has to offer. 

You can compare prices and shop for a Marketplace plan here or input your zip code below to see plans in your area. Marketplace plans cover emergency care, preventive care, mental health, and more.

If you’d prefer help over the phone, you can call a HealthSherpa Consumer advocate at (872) 228-2549.

You can determine your Medicaid eligibility and apply for Medicaid here.

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