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Can I get my parents on my health insurance?

You may be able to add your parents to your Marketplace plan if they are part of your tax household. Over the age of 26? Then this usually only applies if you can claim your parents on your tax return. You should speak to a tax professional to confirm whether your parents qualify as tax dependents. It’s rare this can happen, but it’s worth checking. And if your plan does allow for parents to be added as dependents? Then you should be able to do this during your plan’s annual Open Enrollment Period. If you want to learn more about enrolling in Marketplace health coverage, grab our free step-by-step guide to enrolling in Marketplace health insurance here.

Unable to add your parents to your Marketplace plan? Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, they can shop for their own plan on the Health Insurance Marketplace during the national, annual Open Enrollment Period. And you can start to compare prices and shop for a Marketplace plan here. It’s also possible your parents qualify for Medicaid or, if they are over the age of 65, for Medicare. You can check Medicaid eligibility and apply here. Or, click here to learn more about Medicare

Need help researching or selecting the right plan for you and your family’s health care needs? The HealthSherpa Consumer Advocate Team can be reached at (872) 228-2549 and can help. Reach out to them to start learning about your health coverage options for the upcoming Open Enrollment Period.

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